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12 April 2023

What happens during a hyaluronic acid injection session?

In recent years, aesthetic medicine has been talking a lot about non-invasive procedures. The injection of hyaluronic acid is often mentioned among them. For the neophyte, the appellation can raise questions, even fears. Thus, before setting a clear idea on the subject, it is better to take a closer look at what it really consists of.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Contrary to what one might think, thehyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body, especially in cartilage and skin. In the medical field, it is involved in ophthalmic transplants, during post-operative care and during the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. The moisturizing ability ofhyaluronic acid allows specialists in cosmetic surgery develop various products and techniques aimed at correcting certain skin imperfections. Hyaluronic cream or hyaluronic solution to inject, the results are breathtaking. Moreover, the main advantage ofhyaluronic acid is the fact that it is used in different fields.

What are the effects of hyaluronic acid?

The uses ofhyaluronic acid at the service of beauty proving to be numerous, and its derivative products are just as numerous. The injection gel Jivala Derm 1ml at the house of Centrale Fillers is a concrete example. It allows, in general terms, correct the effects of aging. It is also the first attraction of thehyaluronic acid : smooth the skin! The injections are carried out on problem areas such as the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes and mouth. L’hyaluronic acid also helps to restore volume to certain parts of the body. In this case, it is often injected into the cheek, temples, nose and even the private parts. Finally, it is difficult to speak ofhyaluronic acid not to mention its hydrating abilities. Similar to those of a sponge, its hygroscopic properties allow it to retain water and thus reduce fine lines.

How does a hyaluronic acid injection session take place?

It is important to know that a session of injections ofhyaluronic acid rarely, if ever, happens alone. In fact, using the mesotherapy, which is defined as a discipline aimed at injecting a product superficially, often takes place in several stages. The duration of each treatment is determined by the practitioner according to the needs of the client. Moreover, the first stage preceding any injection requires a interview with the specialist. This is the time to detect possible obstacles to carrying out the intervention. Indeed, theinjection of hyaluronic acid is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant women, people with coagulation problems and those with herpes are not eligible for this invasive procedure. The same is true for those allergic to one of the components of the product to be injected. Once the expectations and possibilities have been defined, many practitioners proceed to take photos for the essential before/after comparison. Then comes the time of the injection, which must be done in impeccable hygienic conditions and with syringe for single use. The depth of the bite varies according to the areas to be treated. It can be on the surface (principle of mesotherapy) or less superficial (for facial volume corrections). These perforations are not particularly painful, but can be annoying. Thus, to perfect the care of people hypersensitive to pain, the practitioner can decide to apply a numbing cream one hour before the injections. After the procedure, soothing products can also be used to prevent the appearance of edema or bruising. For palpable effects, 4 to 6 sessions are necessary. It is imperative that they be every few weeks apart. At the end of the treatment, another photo will be taken in order to appreciate the results in images.
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